Understanding Self Development and Forms of Implementation

Self Development Illustration. Source: Pexels.com/Liza Summer

Self-Development Self-development is a term that we often hear, but do you know the meaning of this term? Let’s get to know understanding self-development and the forms of its implementation in the following description.

Understanding Self Development

The term self-development is a term that is quite familiar to the ear. When we hear it, we certainly understand that self-development is related to processes, methods and steps to develop ourselves.
However, the random understanding certainly makes us only imagine and fantasize about the concept of self-development. For this reason, the concept of self-development needs to be understood.
Adi Suprayitno (2019: 25) in his book entitled Guidelines and Preparation of Self-Development for Teachers explains that self-development is an effort made and directed to obtain something that can be achieved by oneself to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of each individual in doing a balanced step through heart, mind, speech and action must be one. Self-development itself will include all activities that increase self-awareness and identity. Apart from that, self-development will also improve qualitylifeand brings individuals to achieve their goals.
After reading the explanation about self-development above, what form of self-development do you have in mind? Attend seminars, read books, organize your lifestyle, and hone your own skills?
If these things are in your mind then that’s right. The reason is, self-development has the aim of improving the quality of ourselves and the quality of our lives.

Forms of Implementation of Self-Development

The forms of implementing self-development are very diverse. However, to provide a more structured understanding, the following is an explanation of the forms of implementing self-development quoted from the book Implementation of the Character Education Curriculum by Sulistyowati (2012).
Illustration of Personal Development Activities. Source: Pexels.com/fauxels
  • Routine activities, namely self-development by including activities carried out regularly. Examples are schools, worship, and so on.
  • Spontaneous activities, namely self-development that does not have a specified place or time. Examples include getting used to saying hello, getting used to throwing away rubbish in its proper place, and so on.
  • Exemplary activities, namely self-development by prioritizing providing examples from teachers and education managers to students. Examples include arriving on time, speaking well, and so on.
  • Programmed activities, namely activity programmed and planned self-development both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Examples include attending training, seminars, workshops, and so on.
    That’s all the information about the meaning of self-development and the forms of its implementation. Hopefully we can become individuals who continue to develop and benefit ourselves and those around us, OK?

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