Self-Development – Self-development is a term that we often hear, but do you know the meaning of this term? Let’s get to know understanding self-development and the forms of its implementation in the following description.
Understanding Self Development
Forms of Implementation of Self-Development

Routine activities, namely self-development by including activities carried out regularly. Examples are schools, worship, and so on.
Spontaneous activities, namely self-development that does not have a specified place or time. Examples include getting used to saying hello, getting used to throwing away rubbish in its proper place, and so on.
Exemplary activities, namely self-development by prioritizing providing examples from teachers and education managers to students. Examples include arriving on time, speaking well, and so on.
Programmed activities, namely activity programmed and planned self-development both in the classroom and outside the classroom. Examples include attending training, seminars, workshops, and so on.That’s all the information about the meaning of self-development and the forms of its implementation. Hopefully we can become individuals who continue to develop and benefit ourselves and those around us, OK?