Self-Development – Grameds, in this life, of course we can control ourselves. This means that if we want to be successful, successful and happy, we must find appropriate methods and ways to achieve that success. However, behind that of course there are various obstacles and obstacles that we need to face.

So behind it all, of course there is a process that must be carried out to achieve what you want and be able to face the obstacles and obstacles that will arise, one way is self-development .

Of course you are familiar with hearing this term, right? Self development is also called ‘self development’. Self development is a strategy or method carried out and attempted by individuals to develop self-awareness , potential, talents, skills and abilities.

Self development is very necessary. This is because, in every corner of life we ​​are required to progress and develop, even in small things.

What needs to be done in self-development? And what differentiates it from self-improvement?

Below we will explain the meaning of self-development , examples of self-development, and a brief explanation regarding the differences and relationships between self-development and self-improvement.

Understanding Self Development

Self development is also called ‘self development’. Self-development is a strategy or method carried out and attempted by individuals to develop self-awareness , potential, talents, skills and abilities. The goal is to improve the quality of life and personality.

Self Development is one of the keys to developing an individual’s quality of life and self. In other words, individuals who apply self-development to themselves try to improve, change and develop themselves, both their personal qualities and their lives.

Each individual certainly has their own perspective in interpreting “quality of life”. There are those who interpret and take it from a spiritual and financial perspective. Grameds can find a deeper explanation regarding this in the book Self Development Accelerating Personal Social & Spiritual Potential.

This is because each individual has and is at a different level of self-development, so their development needs are also different. There are individuals who need self-development related to careers, such as jobs, positions, and so on. Then, there are those who need self-development related to abilities and talents, such as public speaking , arts, sports and the like. Then, there are also those who need self-development regarding their financial condition.

Behind it all, the main goal for individuals to carry out or implement self-development is to try to improve themselves and develop into the best version of themselves compared to before.

However, have you ever felt confused about the difference between self-development and self-improvement? because if interpreted, both have almost the same goal, namely to develop oneself. Or are the two actually related?

To answer the two questions above, let’s look at the brief explanation below.

Self Development vs Self Improvement

Not a few of you are w

Characteristics of People Who Have Successfully Undertaken Personal Development

Carrying out self-development or self-improvement is not so easy. You need confidence and patience in carrying out self-development. Because the process needed to develop oneself is quite gradual.

However, for those who are successful in carrying out the self-development process, it can also be seen from several characteristics, you know. Not many people know what are the characteristics of those who have succeeded in getting better qualities in someone.

The following are several points of explanation related to several characteristics of people who have succeeded in developing their self-quality or self-development.

1. Able to Grow Self-Confidence

One sign that someone has not succeeded in carrying out self-development is lack of self-confidence. Therefore, it is necessary to develop this sense of self-confidence. There are many ways you can do this, such as attending seminars or workshops.

2. Able to know, understand and accept yourself as you are

Those who have succeeded in developing themselves will be able to know, understand and accept themselves as they are. Where later when this stage has been successfully carried out.

So the next stage is to look for ways to improve the process or reduce the negative impacts that could occur. If everything has been done, then they will become better people than before.

For example, being able to interact with others, gain broader relationships and be able to communicate better.

ondering what is the difference between self-development and self-improvement? Or do they both have relevance? Before answering this question, try to first understand the meaning of self-development and self-improvement.

Both consist of two different words, development and improvement , and consist of the same word, namely self.

Self means a personality, character, trait, attitude, character, behavior, or integrity that is unique or owned by an individual. Then, development means a process in which an individual or something grows or changes to become more advanced. Meanwhile, improvement is an improvement in something to make it better.

If interpreted briefly, Self Development is an individual’s effort to ‘Develop Himself’, while Self Improvement is an individual’s effort to ‘Improve Himself’.

It can be seen from the brief explanation above that both have similar meanings, but are not the same and tend to be interconnected. So, what is the relevance of both?

Self-development and self-improvement are a form of method, effort, or process which, if applied to an individual, will create the same goal or goal for the individual to progress and develop, and become the best version of himself.

However, the lines of self-development and self-improvement tend to be blurry. This happened because there was little involvement between the two of them. In other words, little involvement of self-development and little involvement of self-improvement. Or if we compare it to a percentage, the results of both do not reach 100 percent.

For example , if an individual wants to be successful, for example to become rich or have a high position, and so on. Usually you will combine and link the two because you cannot achieve these goals without personal development (self development) and self improvement (self improvement).

So that your understanding of self-development is deeper, below we will explain the methods and examples of self-development that can be applied in everyday life. Grameds can also read the book I Am a Multidisciplinary Personality which discusses self-development in schools, campuses, government agencies and companies.

Characteristics of People Who Have Successfully Undertaken Personal Development

Carrying out self-development or self-improvement is not so easy. You need confidence and patience in carrying out self-development. Because the process needed to develop oneself is quite gradual.

However, for those who are successful in carrying out the self-development process, it can also be seen from several characteristics, you know. Not many people know what are the characteristics of those who have succeeded in getting better qualities in someone.

The following are several points of explanation related to several characteristics of people who have succeeded in developing their self-quality or self-development.

1. Able to Grow Self-Confidence

One sign that someone has not succeeded in carrying out self-development is lack of self-confidence. Therefore, it is necessary to develop this sense of self-confidence. There are many ways you can do this, such as attending seminars or workshops.

2. Able to know, understand and accept yourself as you are

Those who have succeeded in developing themselves will be able to know, understand and accept themselves as they are. Where later when this stage has been successfully carried out.

So the next stage is to look for ways to improve the process or reduce the negative impacts that could occur. If everything has been done, then they will become better people than before.

For example, being able to interact with others, gain broader relationships and be able to communicate better.

3. Able to Grow Self-Awareness

Those who regularly develop their potential will find it easier to understand themselves. Awareness of the actual situation experienced by oneself has been fully understood.

Even understanding your own shortcomings is also necessary, you know. From this self-awareness or understanding of oneself, changes can be made gradually. This process of change or way to become better is also gradual, of course.

4. Lifestyle that has begun to be organized

Many people ignore this, even though those who succeed in carrying out self-development will get a better and quality lifestyle. Of course, getting a better lifestyle also requires a process.

5. Able to increase relationships

People who develop their potential well will be in an environment that supports growth in a better direction too. Did you know that the environment can produce different results.

There are also environments that shape the negative side. However, there is also an environment that can lead to a higher quality and better life than before. Well, having an environment that supports this for the better is one of the positive effects of routinely developing self-quality.

How to Do Self Development

As previously explained, each person’s method is different. Development needs are also different for each person. However, in general there are several ways to carry out this self-development.

Even though there are ways to do it, you also need to know that self-development requires a process. Everything requires stages and the time required also varies. So what are the actual ways you can develop yourself?

1. Know Yourself

The first thing you can do for self-development is to know yourself. What are your true strengths and weaknesses? If there is a question like that, then the one who can answer it is ourselves.

Because no one else can know ourselves apart from ourselves. Even through several events it can make us know ourselves better, you know. So, from knowing ourselves, we can then move on to the stage of change.

This means that we can try to change our weaknesses or shortcomings for the better.

2. Know your life goals for sure

Next is to identify a definite purpose in life. Know what you really want to achieve in this life. Because a definite purpose in life will guide us to take steps towards something better.

The steps we take will also bring us closer to what we really want to achieve in this life.

3. Always Learn

Even though he is no longer in school. However, the learning process in life still needs to take place all the time. Those who stop learning when they leave school will indirectly reduce their own quality.

Time goes on and of course many developments continue to take place. In fact, every day there are lots of new things. Just imagine if we didn’t study anymore. So new things from ongoing developments so far will also not be known.

It’s different if we decide to learn continuously. Of course, our insight becomes broader. The process of self-development for better quality has been running as it should.

4. Likes reading books

This point is related to the previous point. Where reading books is part of learning itself. Our ignorance will be answered when we read books related to what we want to know.

There are also many recommendations for inspirational stories that we can read more easily. We can even learn from some of the experiences they had before they became successful and even apply them.

5. Learn from the experts

Maybe you feel that you have done various ways to carry out self-development. But the results are still the same. So there’s no harm in using a mentor in the self-development process.

Currently, there are many mentors who can help develop self-development in all of us.

6. Try a side job

Trying to do side work from your main job is one way to do self-development. Where later through work outside the main job we will be able to develop our abilities and potential.

It would be even better if the job you choose is in accordance with your hobby or is truly in line with what you like.

7. Maintain physical and mental health

The previous six points cannot be realized properly when your mental and physical health is not good. Therefore we need support from our physical and mental conditions.

Benefits of Doing Self Development

Don’t take it lightly, self-development turns out to have lots of benefits, you know. Where later these benefits will also have a positive impact on us. So what are the actual benefits of doing self-development? Here’s a review that you can read.

1. Open up new opportunities

Did you know that doing self-development can open up new opportunities. Where this opportunity will come unexpectedly and without planning. What’s interesting is that when this opportunity arrives, we are already in a ready position.

An example is when you want to enter University A. Where everything requires extra preparation. And you study consistently so you can enter the university.

Of course, at the time of the university entrance exam, you will already have provisions. This means that self-development can give you better opportunities and be full of readiness.

2. Make yourself the best version

Many people think that comparing themselves with others can tell who is the best. Even though it could be said that these things cannot be compared. This means that everyone has their own version of being the best.

Even the time and process to become the best version of yourself also varies. So this is the benefit of self-development. Where someone will more easily understand, know and accept what is inside themselves.

With these three things, a person can find out the best version for himself.

3. Increase self-confidence

Did you know that increasing self-confidence can also be helped by self-development. Where people will have more confidence in what they have without being afraid to express it.

Many people feel ashamed of their abilities. However, with the help of self-development. Many people have started to get better than their previous condition.

This is what can make someone have more self-confidence. In fact, they can often easily get golden opportunities. You can read other things about self-confidence in the book “Children’s Self-Development Series: I’m Confident”.

So, those are some of the benefits you can get from implementing self-development. Apart from that, there are many other benefits provided when you use this method.

Example of Self Development

Below we will briefly explain examples of self-development or self-development so that you have an idea so that it is easy to start and apply self-development in your daily life.

1. Self Development to Know, Understand, and Accept Yourself as You Are

The first and foremost thing you need to achieve in order to become a better and more developed individual is to know, understand and accept yourself as you are.

For example , you need to understand what things often incite and ensnare your emotions? So, what are the things that can make you happy, happy and peaceful? What should you avoid and eliminate from your bad (bad) habits in your daily life activities? Then, what are the good habits that need to be maintained or if they can be developed? And other questions.

When you are able to know, understand and accept yourself as you are. Next, you need to look for ways to improve or at least reduce the negative impact of your shortcomings and try to interact better with other people in your circle .

When you have corrected the bad effects of your shortcomings and have good interactions, communication and relationships with the people around you, that is where you can become a better individual and develop than before.

However, how do we know whether we really know ourselves and what weaknesses and strengths we have? Learn all these things in the book The Art of Understanding & Accepting Yourself.

2 . Self Development by Growing Self-Confidence in Your Interests

So that individuals can develop, for example by participating in training, seminars, workshops, leadership organizations, or the like. The individual needs to start by planting and growing self-confidence.

This is because without high self-confidence, a person will generally be reluctant to start and try new things or carry out activities that are outside of their daily activities. In other words, the individual is reluctant to leave his ‘comfort zone’ so that this tends to hinder his own development.

Therefore, by having high self-confidence, we can expand our opportunities to achieve, as discussed in the book Self-Confidence Capital for Achievement.

So what needs to be applied in self-development is to believe that you are able to carry out activities or activities that attract interest and interest. Then, boldly and without fear of things that have not happened in the present.

For example , if you have an interest and passion in the field of writing, but you tend not to believe in yourself or you could say you feel inferior so you only do the same things and activities at home.

To avoid this, try to convince yourself by attending seminars or workshops related to writing, such as content writing, and the like. That way, you have tried and are able to develop yourself (self development).

3. Self Development by Developing Self Awareness

Not much different from the first point. In an effort to carry out self-development , one must have awareness of oneself. Individuals need to know and understand themselves as best as possible, including understanding their weaknesses, weaknesses and strengths. Then, try to look around and find out the various shortcomings that exist in yourself so that improvements are needed as soon as possible.

For example , in this modern era, the world of work requires job applicants (potential workers) or workers to have foreign language skills, at least being able to speak English actively.

So try to build self-awareness by asking yourself do you have this ability? If you haven’t mastered it or only have basic skills, you can take basic English courses or lessons for beginners.

However, if you are able or have the ability to speak English, you can take lessons or other foreign language courses. This will be a plus point for you when you want to apply for a job at a company.

4. Self Development by Improving Lifestyle

Not a few of you forget this point. In fact, this point is quite important. Yep, fix and improve your lifestyle from the very basics.

For example , you have a hobby of staying up late at night, even in the morning just to play games or drama marathons or other activities that are not that important. At first you might try it, until in the end you end up enjoying the activity.

Therefore, this activity requires further consideration because it is feared that later you yourself will feel the impact on the development process or self-development. In other words, you will be imprisoned in your own world which can be said to tend to hinder self -development.

It’s good, self-development starts from the inside out. This means that something inside you needs to be repaired first, one of which is your health. If you have a fit and healthy body, of course your level of self-confidence, enthusiasm and motivation will increase as your body is ready for activities. Grameds can also read more about this in the book Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life.

Therefore, try to reduce or if possible avoid less useful activities that can make your schedule and sleep patterns chaotic.

Then, not just health, improve other lifestyles in simple ways for self-development , such as tidying up the room or corners of the room that are used for daily activities. It looks simple, but if you don’t have the intention or are lazy to tidy it up, it’s very likely that you will also be lazy in looking for and finding other self-development activities .

5. Self Development by Increasing Relationships and Socializing

Of course you’ve heard the term “like a double-edged sword,” right ?

That’s what really illustrates this point. In a relationship with other people, it is like a double-edged sword, meaning it has two sides that have positive and negative impacts.

In other words, socializing with other people can have an effect in a better direction (positive) and can also lead us in a less good direction (negative), even leading to failure.

Therefore, it is necessary to place yourself in a supportive environment, of course surrounded by individuals who have a positive spirit so that they will support you in carrying out self-development .

After having the intention to build and implement self-development, it’s time for you to take steps or methods and start immediately.

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